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Unlike other sellers are selling similar looking imported gun accessories, ours are proudly Made in USA with country of origin marks on the actual parts. That is a big difference. Check our photo and others photo, others have no markings on the product, but a “made in china” sticker on the plastic bag when you receive. In order to compete with imported items, we are selling our US MADE items the same price as others imported price. Ergonomically correct finger grooves High Strength and durable Soft rubber Pistol grip Pistol rear grip With storage compartment at the bottom. Photo showing the carpartment opened opened. Button for quick release of the bipod Easy maneuverability when installed on rail Multiple position adjustability of left and right Adjustable height position Easy to use and install Height: 6″-8 1/4″ Color: Black
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Ade Advanced Optics first made its appearance in the firearms accessory industry by doing private label production for several major manufacturers and retailers. During this period, Ade Advanced Optics began receiving requests from numerous customers for access to the affordable, high quality products that Ade Advanced Optics was capable of producing. By soliciting feedback from both clients and end users, Ade Advanced Optics was able to overcome the challenges a new company often faces when entering a global market and industry, especially one as competitive as the shooting, hunting, and outdoors industry.
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