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Tactic Shop is engaged in the marketing of products for the outdoor, training and for government defense institutions.
Our entire team, are all former army officers or special unit soldiers, specializing in the characterization of products tailored to the customer's training or combat needs. Our close knowledge of outdoor and training needs, keeps all our products very comfortable and durable for long term use.
TacticShop was founded by Marom Dolphin and These leading Israeli companies develop and design the products. The production is supervised by our engineers and products manager strict quality control.
The partners have years of manufacturing experience to include delivering the goods to end users around the world. With this experience, and Israeli R&D and supervision, we bring you the first line of quality products designs.
As part of the joint work process, we will meet with you, in order to learn about and understand your needs up close, to tailor the product to your specifications, and to guarantee maximum efficiency. We also offer private labeling goods for US suppliers.